Bir Ağustos daha geldi. Meyan kökü şerbeti tadında bir Ağustos. Biraz buruk, biraz tatlı, biraz şuh neminde işveler saklı. Biraz muradına ermiş bir yağmur damlası gibi kırmızı gül yaprağının üstünde gülücük tadında. Biraz çatlamış susuz toprak gibi şerha şerha.

Bu Ağustos, bana geç gelen, benden çabuk giden bir Ağustos oldu. Belki de Eylül hemen gelsin diyedir bu çarçabuk gidiş. Kim bilir? Dili yok ki konuşsun. Gerçi dil neyi anlatabiliyor ki? Gözler dilden her zaman bir fazlasını anlatmıştır. Çünkü dil beyinden beslenir, yürekten cesaret alır. Yüreğin susması gerekirse dil konuşabilir mi hiç, ne haddine. Gözler ruhu yansıtır, yürekten ışık alır. Aydınlık olan ve sevginin de kaynağı olan orası çünkü.

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History of Yusufeli: The first establishment of the subprefecture was realized in 1879 with the name of “Kiskim” (Alanbaşı village). The center of subpnfecture was connected to Artvin in 1926 by the law no: Ej.77.

Geographical Structure: From geographical structure standpoint, Yusufeli has a very- broken ground, mountainous and rocky areas. Daha fazlasını oku


History of Savsat: Şavşat was under the sovereignty of Urartians, Kimmerians, Saka Turks, Romans and Sasanians between 900 and 950 Re. According to historical sources, Urartu and Kimer tribes lived around Şavşat between the years 900-650 BC. The region remained in the hands of Saka Turks, Romans and Sassanids, respectively.

During the Trabzon Governorship of Yavuz Sultan Selim, when Rize Province joined the Ottoman lands, now the town of Gönye, near Batumi, surrendered spontaneously. After Sultan Selim returned to Trabzon, Artvin Beys wanted to be protected as well. After this, in the second expedition, Artvin, Ardanuç, Şavşat and Borcka circles joined the Ottoman lands and their beys were given semi-chiefdom. After Yavuz Sultan Selim left Trabzon, Şavşat, Ardanuç, Oltu, Tortum and Artvin left the Ottoman Empire again. It was taken for the administrative division of our conquered region (Georgia Province) and Artvin, Şavşat and Ardanuç were turned into sanjaks.

Following the start of the First World War and the entry of the Ottoman Government into the war, the Russian armies crossed our borders on 1 NOVEMBER 1914. Since the current Armenian hostility also increased the danger, a small part of the people of Şavşat were forced to migrate to Anatolia, leaving all their material possessions, due to the cutting of the roads of all the people of Ardanuç and Artvin.

Immediately after the agreement signed with the Georgians, the Eastern Front Commander Kazım Karabekir Pasha, who was waiting in Kars with his forces, was instructed. Our army, which departed from Kars on 22 FEBRUARY 1921, arrived in Ardahan on 23 FEBRUARY, the same forces later crossed the Sahara Mountain and recaptured Şavşat, Ardanuç, Artvin and Borçka, and included them in the Motherland without any further intervention.

Geographical Structure of Savsat: Şavşat is surrounded with high mountains. Karçal Mountains (3,537) are the subprefectural borders in west and northwest. Şavşat is rich in respect of its running waters. Number of glacial lakes exists in the area. The largest one of these lakes is the Lake KaragöL. it is a fruitful lake from irrigation and fishing viewpoint. The salmon trout is abundant. Another lake in the scope of National Parks is another lake like Karagöl, which is suitable for picnic. Şavşat has also number of springs of medicinal mineral water. The spa with its hot water in Çermik of Çoraklı village is medicinal for rheumatism. Şavşat is rich in respect of its plant cover. It has rich forestry areas, and any and all kinds of trees with large leaves in the lands with low altitudes. Winter is long in high altitude points.

Education and Cultural Structure of Savsat: In the subprefectural area there are 1 kindergarden 27 primary schools, 2 primary schools with board and 3 high schools for children’s education.

Şavşat is a rich subprefecture from tourism potential viewpoint. it has unique beauties with its double-floor wooden houses in villages and plateaus, forestry areas, lakes and trekking trucks.

Health Care Services of Savsat: Health care services are introduced in a State Hospital with 50 beds, and 46 rural health centers.

Economy in Savsat: Since Şavşat has the limited agricultural lands, traditional family-type farms and small sheep-pens are mostly seen. The agricultural activities on greenhouses have just been started due to a convenient area climate.

Savsat Cuisine

  • Meals Made from Milk and Dairy Products

Cheese cake and cream cake.

Dishes Made of Vegetables and Wild Herbs

Mountain beet, bird food, gum, wild purslane, roasted chard, mallow. In addition, food is made from some herbs. Wrapping is made from fresh vine leaves, chard and cabbage.

  • Pastries

Katmer, silor, pastry (with walnuts, cheese, minced meat, butter), kete, noodles, hankal, cereal, corn flakes, bişi, fetir, mafiş Turkish delight, çirğ, cimur, kançlama, pasta, ravioli, button pastries.

  • Other Dishes

Winter roasts, kebabs made on wooden skewers are local specialties of meat dishes. Dishes such as keskek, gendima and şilav are made from grains.

  • Desserts

Pumpkin dessert, Hasuta, kaysefe, zurbiyet, iron dessert, rice pudding, apple, pear, mulberry and grape pulps, ashura, baklava and honey delight are among the desserts.

  • Soups

Purşuk soup, ayran soup, tutç soup, ayran kalacoşu, eski soup, bulgur soup, onion soup, chincharian soup, plum soup, ğerğel soup, watery harşo, hele soup, zucchini soup, cut soup, beetroot soup are among the local soups.

  • Meals

Onion sauerkraut, potato dish, meatballs, flat doner kebab, chard dal dish, plum dish, yoghurt starter, milk egg, flour bowl, kaygana, chilbur, milk cannon, bulama (auguz), motrevli, papasela, cap, kapuska, çenço, Kuymak , Cheese melted, stuffed wrap, hail, onion dish.

  • Pickles

Sauerkraut, pickled bean, pickled chard, pickled tomato, pickled salad, pickled Gimi.

  • Marmalade and Molasses

Mulberry molasses, Cranberry syrup, pear molasses, grape molasses, cherry molasses, plum molasses, pear jelly, quince molasses, grape marmalade, cranberry marmalade, rosehip marmalade.

In addition, people of our region dry fruits such as mulberry, apple, quince, pear and make “kak” and consume them as snacks or compotes. Another indispensable part of Şavşat cuisine is the white potato grown in our region and consumed by boiling or baking.



History of Murgul: In the 10th century, Murgul was invaded by the Seljuks. This region added to the Ottoman territories during Sultan Mehmet, the Conqueror was suffered by Russian invasion during the Ottoman-Russian war in 1877. It was added again to the Turkish lands in 1920. Murgul has become a subprefecture af ter 1950.

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History of Hopa : Hopa was added to the Ottoman State during Sultan Selim’s Governorship of Trabzon in 1490 to 1512.

Geography: Hopa is located in the east portion of eastern Black Sea region. The Republic of Georgia is located in east, Arhavi in west, Borçka in south and the Black Sea in north. The distance to the border gate, named the Sarp where passes to the Republic of Georgia are opened, is 18 km, and to the provincial center is 65 km. it is such a position of intersection on international road to Trabzon-Rize-Artvin-ArdahanKars-Erzurum and the Republic of Georgia.

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History of Borcka: It is reported in written documents that the first residents in the region in which Artvin and Borçka are located, had been the Hurries. It is known that Hurries, starting from 2000 Re., had established a state in a large area. Various written literature report that Urartians had extended in a large area up to the area of Borçka, and then Kimmerians, Saka Turks, and Arsakians had dominated within the area. From 576 A.D., Byzantines and in 645 AD Islamic army in the period of Caliph Ottoman dominated the region followed by Emevies, Caspian Turks and Bagratians.

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History Of Arhavi: It was connected to Rize Governorship of Sancak of Trabzon province after Russian invasion in Batum in 1877. Arhavi was given a sub prefecture statue in June 1954 following the connection of Hopa to Arhavi. Arhavi located in north of eastern Black Sea mountains is surrounded with the Black Sea in north, Fındıklı sub prefecture of Rize in west, Hopa in east and partly with Murgul and Yusufeli sub prefectures in south.

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History of Ardanuc: In prehistoric times Urartians, Saka Turks, and Iskit Turks in the 8th century Re., and after 75 A.D., the Caspians, Barsellians and Bagratians, which were ancient branches of Oğuz tribe, settled in Ardanuç. In the time of Süleyman the Magnificent, Ardanuç was conquered in 1551 A.D. by Iskender Pasha. He established the Ardanuç Flag of Ottomans. Ardanuç was invaded by Englishmen and Georgians after the Mondros Armistice but taken back on March 7, 1921 by Gumru Treaty, and took its position within today’s borders. Ardanuç, which has been connected politically to Artvin until1945, became a sub prefecture in the same year. Daha fazlasını oku


1955 yılında Ardahan’da doğdu. İlk ve ortaokulu Ardahan’da, liseyi Erzincan’da bitirdi.
1981 yılında evlendi ve üç erkek çocuğu vardır.
1982 yılında Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Fransız Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü’nden mezun oldu.
Çok sayıda dergi ve gazetede şiir ve yazıları yayımlandı.
1985 -1987 yıllarında İlim ve Sanat Dergisi’nin yayın müdürlüğünü yaptı.
1987’de Gülçocuk Dergisi’ni çıkardı ve yazıişleri müdürlüğünü yaptı. Daha fazlasını oku


Bir eserinde ” yollar, yoksulların yüzleri gibi tenhadır” der Nuri Pakdil.


Bana öyle gelir ki yolların en tenha olduğu bir vakitte çıkıp gelir eylül bilindik hüznüyle.

Bu yıl ise yolların tenhalığı yoksulların yüzü ile benzeştiği bir vakitte on bir ay sonra gelen eylül, çok kutlu bir dostla geldi hayatımıza. Yoksulların on bir ay beklediği ve artık yüzlerinin tenhalaştığı, yüreklerini bekleyişin hüznü bastığı bir vakitte, aşkın koynundan çıkıp geldi oruç insanın evrenine.


Bugün insan, yaşadığı çevrenin, şehrin, tabiatın, kendisine sunulmuş nimetlerin birçoğunu fark edemeden, onlara baktığı halde göremeden, dokunamadan, tadamadan yaşayıp gitmektedir. Hele büyük şehirde yaşayan insan, topyekûn bir yarışın içinde, adeta yarı baygın, hedefe kilitlenmiş ( hangi hedef ? ) hep birlikte yürüyüp gidiyor. Bir an kalabalığın içinden çıkıp çevresine, şehrine, nimetlerine bakabilmiş olsa birçok güzelliği fark edecektir elbette. Ancak yürüyen kalabalığın içinden çıkmak onu kaygılandırıyor.


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